Domingo Piscitelli Nevola
General Partner
Domingo develops his practice by providing comprehensive advice on his clients’ businesses. In this regard, he has experience advising how both local and foreign companies conduct business in Venezuela, including structures and contractual and corporate schemes that ensure business protection as well as economic efficiency.
He has experience in mergers and acquisitions, participating in economically significant negotiations across various sectors of the economy in recent years.
Domingo also has extensive experience in regulated sectors, which enhances his capabilities as a well-rounded lawyer in business matters involving regulated sectors, as well as dealings—under any modality—with the public sector in Venezuela.
Additionally, he has experience in organizing personal and corporate estates for both local and foreign clients, aiming to protect the involved assets, ensure economic efficiency in profit flow, and provide adequate estate planning.
Domingo is distinguished by being a practical, comprehensive, agile, and flexible lawyer focused on designing and implementing high-value solutions for his clients.
+58 (212) 905.02.88
Corporate Law • Regulated Sectors
Member of the Venezuelan Arbitration Association.
- Lawyer from Andrés Bello Catholic University (2015).
- Completed a Master’s Degree in Constitutional Law at UCAB (2017).
- Currently pursuing a Specialization in Financial Law at UCAB.
- Experience: Domingo has worked at TPA since he was a third-year law student, except for the period from 2014 to 2015 when he worked in the tax department of an important firm in the country.
- Relevant Case Experience at the Firm:
- He has participated in the design and implementation of a private equity fund for investments in Venezuela.
- He has been involved in two significant acquisitions in the food sector in Venezuela.
- He has designed and implemented asset organization structures for non-Venezuelan clients.
- He successfully participated in a nationally relevant case regarding the illegal occupation of an industrial operation (processing and exporting commodities) in the southern part of the country.
- He has worked on designing and implementing joint participation schemes between private and public companies for joint project development.
- Publications: Redactar referencias en APA:
- Recognitions:
- The Legal 500, Next Generation Partners; Ranked and recommended in corporate and M&A; Recommended individuals (Public Law).
He has been a philosophy professor at the Faculty of Law at Monteávila University and a guest professor of Administrative Law at Central University of Venezuela, as well as a lecturer on the subject “Normative Evolution: Private Property and Regulation” in the Economic Journalism diploma program at Monteávila University. Additionally, he has served as a teaching assistant for Constitutional Law at Andrés Bello Catholic University. He has also been a speaker both in Venezuela and abroad (Rome/Washington).
- “Notas sobre la reforma a la Ley Orgánica de Precios Justos del 19 de noviembre de 2014” publicado en la Revista Electrónica de Derecho Administrativo (REDAV) N°5;
- “Primeras Aproximaciones al Problema de Temporalidad Surgido de la Modificación del Régimen de Traslado de Pérdidas en la Reforma de la Ley de Impuesto Sobre la Renta” publicado por la Revista de Derecho Público N° 140 de la Editorial Jurídica Venezolana
- “Breves consideraciones sobre la exclusión del control parlamentario en los contratos de sociedad de empresa mixta en materia de oro y petroquímica” publicado por la Revista de Derecho Público N° 143-144 de la Editorial Jurídica Venezolana.
- Coautor de “Amparo constitucional, debido proceso y pandemia” publicado en obra colectiva “Estudios Jurídicos sobre la Pandemia del Covid-19” editado por la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales junto con la Editorial Jurídica Venezolana.
- Coautor en “Aproximación al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs) en los procesos de amparo constitucional, habeas corpus y habeas data durante el estado de alarma en Venezuela” publicado por la Revista de Derecho y Tecnología de la Universidad Católica del Táchira número 6/2020.
- Coautor del capítulo por Venezuela de la publicación inglesa especializada en fusiones y adquisiciones “The Mergers & Acquisitions Review”, así como coautor de la publicación del Banco Mundial “Doing Business” por el capítulo venezolano. Igualmente, participó en investigación para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en materia de legislación comparada de derecho público en materia petrolera para la implementación de una legislación modelo. Asimismo, es miembro de la Asociación Venezolana de Arbitraje (AVA).